24 And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and good deeds, 25 not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching. Heb 10:24-25
There are many aspects of this fast developing world that are designed for individualism and to make us think of and keep to ourselves. Our mobile devices and technology are a good example. Though technology helps us in very many ways and we have come to depend on it for effective communication, it also puts us in danger of being self-absorbed and less socially aware. There are also some good Christian programmes on TV but even these can keep people from gathering with other Christians – to shake hands, to hug, to place a hand on the shoulder and encourage, to lay on hands and pray, to share a meal.
We are encouraged here to consider. This is a matter that needs our consideration and intentional effort. You and I need to take time to think about and plan how we will be spurring others on towards love and good deeds. I also love that combination of love and good deeds. Our calling is not only to do good deeds but to love. Remembering that God is love and that he has displayed perfect love through Jesus’s death on the cross (John 3:16), we can only truly love if we have received and pass on perfect love from God our Father through Jesus. Then, and only then, do our good deeds bear significance. Our job is to first of all spur others towards love and then towards good deeds. Imagine just how different this world would be if we all loved and served!
And let us not give up meeting together. It is to be a habit. We are to encourage one another all the time. This way we come alongside Jesus Christ to build his church and prepare for his return. If you would like to know what today’s application points are, read this passage again and do exactly what it says.
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