23 Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true worshippers will worship the Father in the Spirit and in truth, for they are the kind of worshippers the Father seeks. 24 God is spirit, and his worshippers must worship in the Spirit and in truth. John 4:23-24
OK, today’s post is not designed to make you comfortable; just putting it out there. There is something nasty that has crippled the Church of Jesus and that is Christians being divided and looking down on each other based on the way we worship. Even within our own churches, we get hung up on the way someone does something. We don’t like a particular style or a particular song or the order of service and so we get unsettled and upset. Here’s the question: are you worshipping worship or are you worshipping God? Important question. Why? Because the Bible tells us here that God is seeking worshippers. We get so hung up on the worship itself that we forget that it’s our hearts God is after.
In one way, this puts the stakes a lot higher that what our pathetic personal preferences chose to elevate. What God wants to know is simply this: is your heart right before him? Is your life surrendered and are you obeying him at every turn? Not so much which style of song is your church doing or do you use an organ or PA System? In another sense we can relax on stylistic issues, the stakes are lower there. It’s absolutely OK to have your personal preferences, but watch out that you don’t start to judge others by theirs and that you don’t feel so strongly about them that you get into “holier than thou” mode.
Please don’t worship worship, rather worship God. He’s a lot more worth it!
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