7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. 8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him. Mat 6:7-8
I wonder if you have noticed how many times the word ‘Father’ has come up in this passage over the last couple of days. If you are anything like me, you pray the most when you are in need, when you have things to ask for. Today’s verses show us that prayer is not so much about how much you can say to God but about a realisation that he knows what we need even before we ask Him. That realisation completely changes your approach. You realise that you are coming to someone Who knows you in and out and Who cares for you deeply.
Prayer is about acknowledging His presence and His heart for you. It’s about spending time with Him. In recent days, as I have looked at topics like prayer and worry, it has struck me just how central the role of the Father is in our lives. I am starting to understand why revivalists have such a big focus on the Father heart of God. If we understand the relationship He would like us to have with Him, then it would change absolutely everything! A little more on that tomorrow, but for now, ponder on the relationship you have with the Father and thank Him for what that means to you.
Photo by Oria Mambira
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