Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. 1 Pet 4:8
Having gone through a few expressions of God’s love this week, I would like to leave you with this thought: many offences and mistakes we make or are made against us can be overcome through loving each other deeply.
As we learnt this week love is how Jesus’ disciples are known, love is an action, love is obedience to the Father and love must be continuous and was modelled by Jesus. Putting it all together would lead to your community and area of influence radically different. We can change our individual spheres through love therefore changing our corporate sphere. Sounds like a huge responsibility – it is!
How can you love so deep that it covers the sins of those around you? By doing all we learnt this week and more. Overlook your brother and sisters fault and fulfil the Scriptures.
Prayer: Father thank you for sending your Son to die for me for through His life, death and resurrection He loved me like no one else can. Help me to love those around me the same as Jesus did as an expression of my obedience to you.
Guest post by: Keith Maphosa
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